Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Knitting ADD

The Twisted Knitter Presents: KNITTING ADD First off, let me start by saying, Happy Valentines Day to you and yours!  Now down to business... When you're working on a project that has more than one piece, or is a long project, do you ever feel like its never going to end?  Like you'll be sitting in that same spot, doing the exact same pattern for all of eternity?  Or possibly, doing that pattern will be your personal purgatory?  ...I totally get it.  Enter, knitting ADD. The Twisted Knitter diagnosis of knitting ADD reads as follows:  1. When one has completed part of a whole project and then gets the insatiable urge to begin a new project. 2.  When one has been working on one project for a long period of time, and then puts down the current project to begin another, more interesting looking project. If you've ever had this happen to you, welcome to our world.  Although when we enter into the project, we know it's going to be lengthy, but trust that the reward will be worth it.  Unfortunately, when you've reached your half way point (aka bottom of the abyss) the light at the end of the knitting tunnel is but a beam shining on you like Gods personal magnifying glass.  When you reach this point, STOP!  Putting the knitting down!  Refer to this blog post, relax, and ask yourself if it's worth it to continue.  Shantel will tell you yes!  Finish the project!  I will tell you... Meh, you'll finish it someday.

(Note: see "what we're working on")

 Enjoy your Valentine's Day and Happy Knitting!

 Shantel's Note:  Putting down said project and starting a new project will mean many single socks and mittens. I know that if I don't force myself to finish I never will, but when I decide to finish I will not be able to find the pattern or needles or something.  This is my theory (yes, another one...) if I tell myself that I can't start that highly desirable new project until I climb out of the knitting abyss then I KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that I will finish the current project!  It's the "eating your veggies before you can have dessert" theory!

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